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About Open data sets

Open Data Sets is generally contains a collection of business data likes names, salaries, sale figures, and so forth whereas a file can contain many types of data such as graphic images, audio data, video data, and so forth. Open Data Sets is data which can be freely used, re-used and redistributed by anyone and at most to the requirement to attribute and share alike. It is similar to the Public data which is used in the all social networking sites. Open Data Sets must be available in the bulk from and it’s easy to work with and it should be available free of charge, or at least at no more than a reasonable reproduction cost. The information should be digital preferably available by downloading through the internet and easily processed by a computer too otherwise users can’t fully exploit the power of data that it can be combined together to create new insights . Open Data Sets must permit people to use it, re-use it and redistribute it including intermixing with other data sets and distributing the results. The main example of Open Data Sets is Google maps which be freely to every one, any one accessed the Google data from any locations.