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  • Introduction To SQLite
    Mar 26, 2016. In this article, we will learn about the basic concepts of SQLite. SQLite is a popular relational database engine.

About SQLite

SQLite is an open source and relational database system which is used for perform database operations on android devices such as storing, manipulating or retrieving persistent data from the database. It is also embedded in android bydefault so that the user have no need to perform any database setup or administration task. SQLite is in process library which have self contained, serverless, zero-configuration, transactional SQL database engine. All the SQLite codes are in the public domain which are free for use any purpose likes commercial or private. SQLite is the most widely deployed database in the world with more applications than we can count, including several high-profile projects. It is an embedded SQL database engine and SQLite does not have a separate server process because SQLite reads and writes directly to ordinary disk files.